Sunday, December 30, 2007


Hi gang. Recently I've been convicted by my conscience of all the complaints I make. I never really realized how ungrateful I was about certain areas of my life. I often find myself complaining that it's too cold outside, or that I don't have everything I want, or that I don't have the friendships or relationships that I want in my life. Honestly, I sound like a complete whiner. Instead of being grateful and thankful for all the great blessings in my life, I find myself complaining or never being satisfied with the things I do have.

Case and point. This last Christmas Holiday was very nice and I so enjoyed every minute of it. However, the weeks leading up to the holiday I complained constantly that I "just didn't feel like celebrating this year" or "what do I have to celebrate?". What an absolutely AWFUL attitude to have! My mom had to sit me down and tell me to stop acting so childish and be thankful for the fact that I'm even able to celebrate Christ's birth. She had one of her "mommy moments" where she tells you every blessing in your life, like: your family, your friends, your job, your freedom, your country, your house, your car, your co-workers, your knowledge, the fact that you have all your appendiges, the fact that you don't have a disease, the fact that we have a choice and ability to be happy or sad.

Even though I hate to admit it, my mom is 100% correct. I have SO many more things than I will ever need as a human being. I have a house that is safe, I have a car that runs, I have a supportive/loving family, I have amazing friends, I have a wonderful job and great co-workers, I am smart and am an eager learner, I am not handicapped, I am disease free, and I do have a choice to make each and every day. A choice to be happy or to be sad. To be positive or negative. To look at the world with the glass half full or the glass as almost empty. God has blessed me more than I ever take the time to realize. He has given me the basic needs of my life and so, so much more. Why should I not be thankful for everything I've been given?

Then comes the question of "how do I make the best of the time I have here on earth?" I would say by rejoicing and being happy with the many blessings I have. By living life to the absolute fullest. By making the best of my relationships with others. By mending fences with those I've fallen away from. By giving 110% to my job during my work hours. By giving food or money or some sort of help to those that are struggling more than I am. By sacficing my time and my energy to build and uplift someone else. By being Christ like and loving each and every person on the face of this planet.

If I've learned one thing throughout life about others it is this: those that hurt others the most are hurting the most in their own lives. That's right. You know the people who always seem bitter or annoyed or frustration or just down right mean? I'm sure each and every one of us can think of a few. Instead of complaining about those people - why don't we take the time to love them the best we possibly can? Sometimes all those people need is a little human love and attention. I definitely need to do this - no more complaints about others (or at least trying my hardest not to complain) and I'm going to work at loving them better.

And lastly, in Phillipians 2 it says: "Do everything without complaining or arguing". Did I just see that God tells us to do EVERYTHING - (does that really mean everything?) without complaining or arguing? Now that is a LOT of stuff to not complain about- but I think as humans it's a little difficult to never complain. So how about we start with gettting rid of or holding our tongue on at least one complaint a day? I think I can handle that much. What kinds of things are you currently complaining about, and why? What can you do right now or in the next days and months to make yourself more grateful? How are you going to appreciate those around you more? How are you going to mend the fences with people and influences in your life? Where do you even start? I don't have those answers.... but hopefully we can each start our New Year off right without all the complaining.....

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