If you had to figure out generational issues and the disconnect that happens between childhood and adulthood... where would you even begin? How do the little, innocent, children of the world turn into full grown, mature adults with so many issues and problems? For me, I believe that the influences around a person from a very early age are extremely important. However, more so than just childhood, one particular part of life is intregal to the overall happiness, success, and freedom of a child to live the adult life they so desire and deserve. This period of time is called adolescence or just plain being a teenager.
Over the years, I've begun to realize the great impact certain people have had over my life in the most important years to my spiritual, mental, physical, and emotional growth. As with many teens today, I struggled with everything from divorcing parents, abuse of a parent, depression, anorexia, the extreme desire to just run away from everything, and even suicide. What is it about being a teenager that causes one to struggle so much and how is one able to get out of the nasty cycle of self-deterioration? Hormones, changes in friendships, changes in family dynamics, just changes in general. During the teenage years it seems that everyone in one's life is taken and just thrown upside down and then things are supposed to somehow just go "back to normal". This makes absolutely no sense when someone's entire world is changing constantly. Insanity... I might add, to ever expect a teenager to be perfect and without fault or confusion at any time.
Anyways, all of this to say, it was the people within my life during my adolescence that changed my life and helped guide and shape me into the person I am today. People like my mother who would constantly have to tell me no, and then have to deal with me pouting, crying, yelling, or being plain rude - just because she was protecting me. Then there was the McNeely's who stepped in to teach me the things of life that my single mom could not - like the love and devotion of a husband and wife - or softball 101 by Daddy Dan. The Woodwards were another great part of my life because they allowed for me to have a safe haven to run to when my world was crumbling, and Mama Woodward would always have a listening ear for me to just ramble on and on for hours. I always knew that I would be prayed for and encouraged just by being there. My brother was also another great influence that was able to show me the importance of having fun and living life to the fullest - not being afraid to try new things and go on new adventures.
Then there were the teachers and leaders within my life that never allowed me to doubt my abilities and to strive for the absolute best in life. There was Miss Yeazell - my high school Math teacher who helped me achieve more out of math than just a grade - she saw the diamond in the rough, and polished it until it shined. Amazing! Then there was my softball Coach, Gregarious, who flat out knew I wasn't the best player on the team, but always made sure that I was a valueable member of my team. He challenged me to work harder, and push myself further. To this day, this is a man that I go to for advice and guidance with my own Cheer Team. Such a huge blessing! And Mrs. Bailey - who could forget her? This woman saw the talents in each and every one of her students and made sure she told each student how loved and appreciated they were.
Okay, so all of this to say that people influence each other and what kind of influence or legacy to I want to pass on to the next generation? I have the greatest opportunity in front of me with my Cheer Girls. These girls are in such a time of transition and I'm so extremely proud of each and every one of them. But what do I need to do within my life to help encourage, grow, and love on these girls that I've been blessed with? Do I lead by example, or do I lead by faith and words, or do I just live my life and hope that I do my best? No, I would say that my example and my actions are far more important than anything else. I need to encourage and support these girls, challenging them daily to take up their crosses and just loving them through the tough times in life.
I have always had a great passion for youth, and I'm amazed at the opportunities that are laid before me to love on them. I'm being constantly reminded of my ability to change lives just in my friendships right now. A couple of my friends are really involved with Young Life, and I'm seriously touched at the incredible things that happen through this organization. There are teenagers everywhere looking for love in all the wrong places, looking for acceptance in the pits of destruction, and struggling so hard just to survive each day. How can we help them? By walking with them through the darkness and bringing them into the light. My prayer is that my life, my home, and everything about me will be open to the youth of the generations - that I may be able to touch lives while here on earth. God is so good!! :-)
Sidenote - I am LOVING my Jesus loving music on my local Pandora these days. Such an encouragement to sing along to the songs of faith. So good!
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