Sunday, April 4, 2010

He is Risen!

Good Friday. The very day of betrayal and death. The day one sinless man gave his life for this fallen world. The picture perfect sacrifice, laying one's life down for another. Heroic, courageous, this man let himself face the deepest torment, the deepest pain, the deepest humiliation just so that we may live.

And yet, we refuse the gift. We refuse the grace extended and decide that we can do life "on our own". And we're broken. Our hearts are heavy with the choices we've made, the pains we've faced, the betrayal we've encountered. We've become bitter and guarded, so much so that we've become a society of independence at the cost of relationship. We've lost contact with each other, we've lost relationship with ourselves, and we've lost relationship with God. What makes us broken? Is it the pain of abuse, the failed relationship, the dashed hopes? Is it the addiction, the tainted self image, the choices of the past? Is it the hurt of a friend, the idols of worldly stuff, or the lack of control?

Easter. The very day of atonement. The day the sinless man who sacrificed His all becomes the very vessel to forgiveness, grace, and peace. The man scarred and broken, abused and insulted, rose again to life. And he offers the broken a free pass into peace which transcends all understanding. He offers hope to the hopeless, love to the loveless, plans and direction for a life of confusion. And whatever it is we're facing - he's there with the solution, and He whispers, "come to me all who are weary and I will give you rest." Rest from the pain and sorrow, rest from the overwhelming anxiety of the unknown. Rest so that we may live life more clearly... freely.

The hole in our hearts that never seems to be filled can be only filled with Jesus - the Risen One. Let Him in, let his joy and peace surround you. For the joy set before him, of bringing His precious children together, he endured the cross for you and for me. What an incredible gift - freedom from the chains of sin.

He is Risen today and forever....

He is Risen indeed!

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