Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Just checking in

A friend of mine passed along the below list of questions yesterday and I've found them to be eye opening as I went through the list and found that even when I think I'm okay, I still have struggles, I'm still human. Enjoy!

-Are you regularly with a person of the opposite sex in inappropriate situations?

-Are you completely above reproach in all your financial dealings, including your taxes?

-Do you expose yourself to explicit sexual material?

-If you have a family, do you invest sufficient time with them?

-Do you tell the truth? How often do you lie (don't forget to count the little white ones)?

-How quickly do you say "I am wrong; I am genuinely sorry" when you have said or done something that hurts another?

-Do you hold grudges?

-Are you knowingly compromising in some area of your life, refusing to acknowledge the consequences that you will surely have to face?

-Have you formed a habit that is detrimental to your health or your job or your walk with Christ?

-Are you proud, selfish, arrogant?

-Have you taken credit for something that someone else did and should have been rewarded for?

-Do you return things you borrow?

-Have you failed to confess something to someone who should know of your wrongdoing?

-Are you abusing your mate or your children---physically or emotionally?

-Do you allow abuse to happen without seeking help?

-Do you regularly spend time in prayer and in the Scriptures?

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