Thursday, April 30, 2009

Why I write

Lately, I've really been thinking about why I write so much and what the point to all these ramblings is. As I was doing so - the following thoughts came to me.... enjoy!

I never know who will be impacted by the words I write, the insight I share, and the perspective I have on life. This is why I write my thoughts, my blessings, my struggles, my questions… my everything. I write so that I may bless others. I write so the Lord can work in the lives of others. I write to encourage. I write to guide. I write because it’s my passion. It’s the way I share the inner workings of my soul, so that through me other’s may learn.

Writing how the Lord is working in me, and sharing with others the great things He has for my life, gives me the encouragement and the strength to go for another day. Knowing that I may touch someone’s life in a great way and having the opportunity to bless others with my words is my calling. The Lord gave me words to speak that I may share His love and grace to all around me. Yes, this blog may never go anywhere beyond my few friends, but my prayer is that through these ramblings those that I know and love and those that are lost and questioning would come to a knowledge that Jesus is bigger, Jesus is greater, and Jesus is the only way to live our life on this earth.

I write for His Kingdom.

I write for His glory.

I write that those that need Jesus would find him.

And I write because it’s my hearts passion and desire – the call on my life.

Hope you all have an incredible weekend with many blessings and adventures. HELLO SUNSHINE!! :-)

Verse of the day: "So do not throw away your confidence; it will be richly rewarded. You need to persevere so that when you have done the will of God, you will receive what He has promised." - Heb. 10:35-36

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