Sunday, March 29, 2009

Act to React

Recently, I've been reminded of the incredible grace and love that the Lord has over his children. Even though we constantly mess up and disappoint Him, He's still standing beside us encouraging us to take one more step. It's funny, so often we don't realize the impact a choice has on our lives until it's too late...

Your actions have consequences… and sometimes those consequences will torture,torment, and haunt your memory for life. Lately I've been bombarded by decisions I made reluctantly, knowing it was not right for me. My memories swarm around the choices I've made that will be those little things that torment me for life... just the stupid decisions that are made selfishly, irrationally. Yes I'm human, yes I'm selfish, and yes I'm a sinner. Why is it so hard sometimes, to live the lives we dream of?? I can only come back to realize that I need to...

Think before I act.

Pray before I decide.

Hold my tongue when tempted to react.

See myself from another person’s point of view, and make your decisions knowing they will positively or negatively affect you… forever.

Don’t Speak.

Listen and learn...

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