Wow, an entire month has passed since I last updated the local Tenacious Insights! I'm so sorry! Over the past month a lot has changed in my life, and I'm so grateful for the amazing growth and insight that I've been gaining during this time. Recently, the Lord has really been showing me the importance of serving those around me. Even if it's just opening the door for someone, saying hello, or just being nice to someone each day - I'm called to be an optimistic, happy, encouraging person.
This past weekend at Church, pastor Mike spoke on the importance of being aware of our abilities and putting our abilities to use in our daily living and serving. Of course, this got me to thinking, "what am I good at?" and "how can I use my abilities to serve those around me?". At this point I know that I'm good at coaching and mentoring young women in their footsteps - hence the Cheer Coach position. Everyday I spend with these girls I'm extremely blessed by their joy and innocence. It's amazing for me to see them grow throughout the year, and see the women they have become at the end of a crazy year of challenges and excitements. What a blessing! However, I know I can do so much more, and I truly want to!
Pastor Mike reminded us that our abilities are God Given, our abilities can be used to please God, and our abilities reaveal God's plan for our lives. Luke 16:10 comes to mind here "Whoever can be trusted with very little can also be trusted with much". AMEN to that! This verse really caught my attention - it reminded me of the few things God has given to me to take care of within my life - work, cheer, family, home, etc. - but how many times do I let things fall through the cracks and get forgotten? The Lord calls me to be aware of and thankful for the "little things" in life and to strive to make them better. If I can't even handle taking care of the necessities of life, how am I ever to be trustworthy enough to do great things for the kingdom? Let's be honest... it comes with perseverance and hard work!
So how do we serve sacrificially? By evaluating what your ablilites are (are you good with people? Do you like working with kids, youth, or adults? Do you enjoy the outdoors or more inside stuff? What are you most passionate about?) usually these questions will help us at least find a few answers as to what our abilities may be. Another suggestion was to ask those around you what they see as your skills/assets and how you can use those in service. . . good stuff! Once we've figured out our abilities - Dedicate them to the Lord and then activate your abilities. This is the toughest part of the journey. How many times do we think we should do something but never act on it? I know for me it's daily. Instead of letting those opportunities fall away - why not act on them immediately in some way?
Going along with all of this chat about serving, my boss took the local GFC team for a day in the City to see in which ways we - as a company and individually- could be better used in our own backyard. We went everywhere from soup kitchens, Korean Churches, Refugee Placement Companies, Youth outreach projects, to Churches in the most dangerous parts of the city. It was one of the most incredible events I have ever had the opportunity to be a part of. Seeing the amazing dedication each of these places had for their tasks was so encouraging, and seeing our amazing city from a whole new place was fantastic. Even riding in the bus all over the city, and really taking in surroundings that I so often just pass to get to my desitnation - really made me think about the ways in which I can serve.
So over all, there was one place in particular that I really thought I could be useful in. It was a homeless youth home in downtown that offers a place to hang out, food, clothing, toiletries, etc to those kids living alone in the city. AMAZING! Even if I were just able to serve a meal every now and then or fill their shelves with food would be such a blessing to me and to them. I could even get my Cheer girls involved with it, and make it that much greater. I'm really praying what exactly my role could be for this... and how to get started. But, as I said earlier, sometimes we just have to step out in faith knowing that the Lord place this desire on my heart to further his plans for our city. I LOVE IT!
Okay, now I'm getting really excited! Until we meet again my friends... upward and onward! :-)