Monday, September 8, 2008


Nooma is coming. Have you heard? It's the Christian worlds newest phenomenon which encapsulates a typical hour long sermon in a few short minutes. Nooma is coming, it's almost here. Have you heard of the impact it's making within our generation? This one organization is making the gospel reachable to young people throughout the United States and world. Nooma is coming... it's actually here!

Did I get your attention? I certainly hope so... today instead of hosting our typical team meeting at the local GFC, my boss brought in one of the Nooma series videos by Rob Bell. You may recognize his name.. he's the author of Velvet Elvis. A new wave or way, rather, of teaching the gospel to those around us is found in the short, concise video series called Nooma. Today's video, titled "breath" shared the depth and power of each breath our human bodies take. Within that breath there are options. Options to see others as God sees them - and our ability to be aware of those people and things around us so that we may better reach out to one another.

As the short film continues Rob reminds his watchers of the fragileness of life and how vulnerable we truly are as humans. From dust we come and to dust we go. There are no guarantees for tomorrow - just today - just this moment - just this breath. As it says in Romans 8 - breath = the Spirit. So where the Spirit of the Lord is there is breath? Interesting concept here... I would say that God's Spirit is in each and every breath he gives us. He gives us a choice with every breath we have - to serve Him, to serve the needs of others, and love on those around us - or to misuse the gifts and talents he has bestowed on each of us.

How often do we waste time worrying about what happens next? How frequently do we question our purpose? Instead, maybe we should take life as it comes - and let God lead us with each breath we take. Not worrying about what lies ahead- for God is our compass and our master planner. And not letting the past hinder us from moving forward in here and now. But using every breath that the Lord gives us to glorify Him and His purpose while we're here on earth. Easier said than done - that's for sure...

But seriously... why do we hold ourselves back so much? Why is it so hard for us to appreciate the simple gifts in life? Why do we make everything so much more complicated than it needs to be? And how do we glorify the Lord with every breath we take?

Why does anger, frustration, sadness, anxiety, confusion, and so much more plague our lives with uncertainty? Why can't we grasp a hold of the negative and throw it out of our lives.. and let our lives shine the opptimism and grace that only the Lord gives? Wow... I don't even know where to begin here... lots to work on, much to challenge my daily life by, and so much growth to do... - check it out - it's pretty gosh darn revolutionary! :-)


Joelle said...

WHY oh why? Good words.

PS Rob Bell also wrote "Sex God". Another book you should check out. :)

Brandon said...

Sex God is a good book, I would agree. Also, love Rob Bell- have you heard the Rich video? It is also a good one.
Along with one of your posts, it reminded me of an Eastern Christian tradition of Breath Prayers- basically not taking advantage of each breath we have but using each breath to focus on Christ. The classic one is the Jesus Prayer- "Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, Have mercy on me, a sinner". Pretty sweet idea. Love the posts, keep um up.