Wednesday, September 24, 2008

This lot is full

Parking Spaces. Really? How is it that the Lord can speak to someone's life with something as simple as a parking spot? Seriously? It's amazing to me that Jesus is found in the small, simple things of life, just as much as he's found in the devastating tragedies of this world. Parking... Spaces... of life.

Recently, I've been struggling with my prayer life - wondering if God is even there and answering my prayers. So many times in my life it seems that He's just not listening to my requests and kind of forgets that I'm around. Then, one fine Saturday afternoon I was running errands around town and was completely exhausted and having a tough time even functioning. As I pulled into the Costco parking lot (gosh, I'm beginning to sound more and more like a mom!) I just sat in my car, Coldplay playing in the background, and said, "Lord, I'm so tired today, and I know this is a stupid request, but could you please just give me a parking space close to the door?" You know where this is going.... I pull down a row and low and behold the first parking space just so happens to be the closest to the door is open and waiting for the Tenacious mobile. All I could do is sit there and laugh/cry at the same time. He does hear my prayers!

That Saturday afternoon I was reminded of the faithfulness of the Lord, even in the little things of life. A parking space, for heaven's sake, is what it took for my simple mind to realize that God is standing beside me, hearing my calls to Him each and every hour of each and every day. That means he hears just about everything I talk about - my complaints, my needless worry, my frustration, my fears, my everything. And the funny thing is - he not only hears my requests, He answers them as well. The point is that often he says, "No" to my requests simply because they are not appropriate for my life that certain point in my life, or they are requests that He cannot answer because I'm unwilling to act...

Push me into action Jesus when you press desires and issues on my heart - that I may hear your calling. Let me accept the "no's" you send my way as blessings and times of growth, and help me to appreciate the value of the "yes'" you so freely give - that I may be a better light to You, Your Kingdom, and Your Faithfulness.


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