Friday, March 12, 2010

Let's start today!

Today, a friend of mine, and a woman with the biggest heart of love and care, lost the love of her life at the age of 31. As I heard about the progress of her husband's condition throughout the day, I sat in prayer for peace, comfort, grace, and provision. My heart bleeds for this friend of mine today, and I can't seem to stop crying. This is the first close friend I've lost at such a young age, and I'm reminded that life is short... finite. We're only here for a blink of an eye, and then we're gone. There's got to be something more to this life than the daily grind....

As I'm looking at the table of papers around me, at the stacks of to do list's I have, it's just all meaningless in the grand scheme of things. Our lives are not meant to be wasted with selfishness, they're not meant to be hollow shells where our free time is spent in front of televisions and on video games. Our lives are meant to be a means to glorify Him who created us and to love on those He's placed around us. Community... we're made for community.

Yet day in and day out we're innundated with societal pressures to be bigger, richer, better, smarter - but what do we really gain from it all? Often it's more stress, more jealousy, more frustration, and more feelings of inadequacy. The thrist of the human nature is a deep, dry well that is never satisfied, it never says "enough". But the wellspring of life, True Life, comes from the One and Only.

The news of my friend's death put things into perspective for me. Life is not about the next big thing. Life is about others. Life is about God's grace shining down on His children. It's about the callings He's specifically placed on each of our hearts - and each calling is God created, God orchestrated, and different than the next person's. So why is it that we push the deep yearnings and desires of our souls to the side for the creature comforts of a limited life? Why not take the risks, take the chances, press on towards bigger things? Why don't we have millions of world changers walking around instead of only a few thousand? Why do so many people walk around as zombies instead of seeking to help the lost?

And I'm reminded at this time of the callings God gives to all of us in His Holy word:

"Rejoice with those who rejoice and mourn with those who mourn." - Romans 12:15

"Anyone who sets himself up as "religious" by talking a good game is self-deceived. This kind of religion is hot air and only hot air. Real religion, the kind that passes muster before God the Father, is this: Reach out to the homeless, widows, orphans, and loveless in their plight, and guard against corruption from the godless world." - James 1:26-27

There's SO much more to life than the stuff. And maybe, instead of buying the new TV or the latest Prada Purse or the latest Techno gadget - we should find the orphans and widows around us that need clothing, shelter, and care - and use the funds God's given us as a blessing to enrich the impoverished. Let's find the bigger calling in life and go after it... seeing needs and meeting them.

And let's start.... Today!

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