Okay men, it's your turn. Today is the day to bring to your attention the problems and issues that you face in your day to day life. Much like my previous post about Captivating, there is another side to the story and it's for the male's in the world. You too have questions that you ask on a daily basis, problems and issues that arise from either your childhood or early adult years. Contrary to the women's questions which are more emotionally based, you too have questions that were either unanswered by your father figure or male friends, or they were answered in the incorrect way. The questions are: Do I have what it takes? Am I a man? Am I strong? Am I courageous? Can I protect another and win the battles of this earth? Will I pass or fail at my masculinity?
The childhood of a man is very much different than that of woman. There comes a time in every man's life that he needs to be released and let go from his mother and passed on to his father for further development into becoming the man he was created to be. However, many times in today's society the mother's are unwilling or too scared to pass their sons off to their fatherly figure. Or even worse, in today's world the mother has no one to pass the son off to to learn about his masculinity becuase the sons father has left the family and is not longer in the picture. All of these events and set backs are truly heart breaking and devastating to a young man. Without "cutting the cord" the young man is unable to grow in his masculinity and in time comes more fearful, more dependent on the female, and truly unable to cope in his daily life.
Then the man grows up and instead of going to his male fatherly figure he is wounded so he runs to a girl or a woman he is interested in and asks her his questions: Do I have what it takes? Am I a man? Am I strong? Am I courageous? Can I protect another and win the battles of this earth? Will I pass or fail at my masculinity? However, the female cannot answer the questions the man has. It is not our nature or our make-up to answer the questions -we can try and try and try but we will never be able to truly answer your questions because we are hurt as well and searching our own hearts - because our own answers have not been made (see Captivating Post).
Also, many men in this world have father's that have been wounded and have never gotten their own questions answered, so they are unable to answer the questions of their own sons and the cycle continues - generation after generation. The only way to resolve and break the generational curse is honestly through Christ. It is through his Strength as our Heavenly Father that men on earth are able to move past their inadequacies or feelings thereof and move on with their lives. For it is through Christ that we are able to get all of our questions answered.
Okay, easier said than done... I'll admit that much. It's hard to feel as though your answers are in God and that He is truly answering your questions. However, the way to meet with God is through quietness - as a man go out in the wild and appreciate the earth that was made: go for a hike, go hunting, go out and experience the stillness and calm of the wild. Also, there needs to be time of talking and quietness with God, for it is in those times that he speaks most clearly. For some that is just sitting in a quiet room and reflecting, for another it's through music, and another yet it's through being out in the hills and life that is around them. Take time to pray everyday, take time to listen, take time to REST and find PEACE, take time to read the Bible, take time for yourself. It is the one and only way the answers are heard that God is yelling our way everyday. Take time for you and make time for God, and He will meet you in a place of understanding, rest, and peace - where no question is left unanswered.
Let God be your father, who redeems you, who answers your questions, who calls you to His presence, and shows you the man that you are created to be. The man that is much more than it takes, the man that is strong and courageous, the man that is confident in himself, the man who is able to lead people and nations, the man that is made to conquer and protect. That man is deep inside every single male on this earth, it just takes some time to find him.... and with God he can be found and rewarded for his questions - not downtrodden for them. I pray that each of you will find the quietplace and get your questions answered... because it is there that your life truly begins!!!
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